Salams every one!
HRD held their annual pre-departure briefing for the new Southampton scholars. A few BruSton committee members attended just to give them familiar faces to remember. The new students had certainly done their research on the university as the speaker, Zoe gave a mini quiz. The enthusiasm by the students was overwhelming (including the senior students present!).
BruSton also had their first sungkai get-together after the HRD event. The dinner was held as an informal event for the new Southampton recruits:) Hopefully we'll get to see more of you in the future! Now that you know our faces, come up to us any time and ask us anything!
InsyAllah, we'll try to do another one before every one sets off to the UK. If not, RAYA IN SOUTHAMPTON :D
(sorry for the lack of photos, we'll get more up soon)

Wasalams! Enjoy the rest of Ramadhan!