Alina Rosli
BSc Psychology
Running For:
President, Secretary, Social & Welfare Officer, Public Relations Officer
"Salam. Firstly I feel privileged be nominated as a person of importance in the community member. I have contemplated what if I am appointed as chosen to be President and came up with: InshaAllah if you think I deserve this position, I am hoping to be able to be a good President in carrying major responsibilities hand in hand with the other committee members. Also be well, spiritually and mentally prepared in carrying those huge responsibilities. I was once appointed as an MP (Majlis Pelajar/ Prefect) at my previous school in MS and managed to carry several important responsibility such as becoming a facilitator in a Educational Camping Event. I have also attended several leadership activities during my 2 years at my previous boarding school. Hence with few of my previous experience I am hoping that I can be of excellent use to others in the present and future as an assistant or a leader.
On the other note, I have to admit I am a talkative and sociable person. I find it intriguing to meet new people and get to interact with different people of different backgrounds. Nominated as a Social Welfare Officer is an exciting occasion to me as it will give me broad opportunity communicate with almost every Bruneians in Southampton and get involved in social event that can bring everyone closer together. As an addition note, I have previously done several interactive volunteering works at public school with people of different background in a small area in Cheltenham and had experience helping out in Charity Bazaar in Brunei. Last but not least I am hoping with the position I would be able to spread the Bruston love to other fellow Bruneians across the UK and those in Brunei ; warm welcoming the students to apply and study in Southampton University; aiming to expand the Bruston population (too wishful).
Apologise if there not enough details or info I have included here that are convincing enough for you to cast your vote. Nevertheless I also apologise if it is too lengthy. hehe . Anyhow I just hope whatever I have briefly shared above can help you decide if you think I am capable of holding any of the positions I have been nominated as.
Many Thanks and apologise for any flaws in this manifesto."

Atiqah Adinin
BSc Soc Politics and International Relations
Running For: President
"Positions of Responsibilities:
- Secretary BruSton 2011/2012
- Member of SIFESouthampton
- MP/PRS Maktab Sains 2006-2008
What I have to offer from here:
- Experience and Sustainability
- Organisational Experience
- Dedication and Commitment
- Teamwork
- A form of delegation
My Vision:
- A great potential for BruSton to flourish culturally, socially and most importantly religiously
- Well-rounded members whose fees are well worth the pay
- Future Events to be fulfilled
- Social integration as a base for all events."

Bazli Ghani
BSc Economics
Running For:
President, Secretary, Treasurer, Male Religious Officer
"I don't know what's interesting about myself...
but I'm running for lots of things because I just want to give a helping hand and make a positive contribution to BruSton, and most importantly, listen to what you guys have to say :)"

Chinnu M Abraham
BEng Electronics Engineering
Running For:
President, Postgraduate Representative
"I, having some experience in the field of leadership understand the passion and commitment one has to adhere when taking up the post of an office bearer. Having been the House Captain for 2 consecutive years in St Andrews School, made me a better leader and more responsible. I had to look over multiple areas in a single event of time. Being part of junior school and high school, activities could never stop pouring in from sports day, to academic competitions, to simple weekly events like fitness checks and voluntary work that my committee members and I decide to do. I have had to put in large amounts of time along with other members to hold many heat sessions to choose the deserving participants for sports and other competitions. Although this was a lot of work, I tried to balance out committee members' time input by always scheduling so that no one was ever carrying a larger workload than the other but I personally made sure I was at almost all sessions that I scheduled as I wanted to be personally satisfied. Also, the schedule provided us a reality check on how well we were doing with time and gave us the boost we needed.
I have been nominated for the roles of President and Postgraduate Representative. Having been part of the society for 3 years now, I know how the society overwhelms its people and its importance of providing the homely effect to every new fresher that enters campus feeling homesick. I would like to provide a back for them to lean on, guide them through any difficulty they face and represent them in front of the university. Having multiple races and countries in my background, I believe I can stand out and represent the Bruneians and be noticed by our university. Besides possessing the maternal instincts for the Bruneian Society, I want to take it to heights across the states. Through all, the society will achieve a leadership quality and by the end of the day, we will have opportunities to hold some of the biggest activities the Bruneian societies would like to see.
The role of the postgraduate Representative on the other hand suits me because in my MSc next year, I will meet all the new postgrad students and what better, than to have their own personal guide guiding them to all the Bruneian activities and guiding them through all their problems as I may have to face them along with the PG students myself.
I hope I will be offered one of these roles as I believe I can contribute a lot especially as the Pesident of the BruSton society. Thank you for taking the time to read through my manifesto.
My Kindest Regards to all of you. Believing you will make the decision from the bottom of your heart, I will see you all in due course."
Zati Shahari
BSc Applied Social Sciences (Criminology)
Running For:
President, Sports Officer
"Assalamualaikum and hello fellow Bruston members! My name is Zati Shahari and I am a 2nd year Criminology student. Although I have been nominated for the roles of President and Sports Officer, I have to be honest and say that I am more inclined towards the position of Sports Officer.
I am the current Vice-President of the Southampton University Karate-Do Shotokai society, and this experience has taught me the importance of cooperation and communication in the smooth running of a society. Applied to Bruston, what would be a better way of building teamwork and socialising than through team sports? If I were to be elected as Sports Officer, I plan on carrying on the tradition of having regular sports sessions. Moreover, I would like to introduce new sports to the mix. For example, we can try out the climbing wall at the union as a group- hence we can have fun, keep fit and socialise at the same time! :)
As for the Bruston netball team which sits so passionately in my heart, I propose on exposing it more to the rest of the University by perhaps arranging training sessions or friendly matches with the numerous existing netball teams. This way, not only will we improve our ‘skillz’ in preparation for tournaments, we’ll also get to meet exciting new people and promote the wonder that is Bruston (and of course our beloved homeland)!
Well, that’s all I have to say for now. Thank you for your time and patience in reading my ultra short manifesto! I hope to see you soon as your new Sports Officer!

Nurizzati Ahmad (Izzati Ahmad)
BSc Mathematics with Actuarial Science
Running For:
Secretary, Treasurer, Sports Officer
Being nominated to become part of a committee, i.e. BruSton, means trust and responsibility has been given. If I am to become part of it, insyaAllah I will definitely try giving my best into it. I had the chance to become an assistant to the Public Relation Officer for the 2011/2012 BruSton committee, I had an insight on how the committee works. I wish to further my service into the team and help whichever way I could."

'Ainaa Zulkiflee
BSc Mathematics with Actuarial Science
Running For: Treasurer
"Back in sixth form when I was in the student council, I was elected to be the treasurer for my bureau. Responsible and trustworthy :P
As far as the vision goes, I dont really have anything in mind yet.. but suggestions are highly welcome! :)"

Zulkhairi Zolkepli
BSc Mathematics with Actuarial Science
Running For:
Social & Welfare Officer, Public Relations Officer, Sports Officer
"I was involved in the previous Bruston committee and it has mostly taught me the importance of being part of it is to make the society unite and to make living here in Southampton more enjoyable. For the next committee I am running for a different position insyaAllah with my experience I hope to improve things that need to be improved.
I hope to achieve the following aims:
- more interaction between the Bruneians
- have their ideas acted upon
- give a helping hand to anyone
- shoulder to cry on (cure for homesickness"

Haziqah Marzuke
BSc Psychology
Running For: Public Relations Officer
"I was the Head of Magazine Committee for MS'09 Graduation i.e. Magazine Editor. I like photography and I am quite handy with the internet. That's pretty much it. Vote for me!"

Sani Kamis
PhD in Helath and Sciences
Running For: Postgraduate Representative
My name is Haji Abdullah Sani Bin Haji Kamis and currently in the first year of my PhD. I am a qualified Podiatrist and currently pursuing a research within the area of rheumatology in the lower limbs. That is looking at stiff and diseased joints in the lower limbs. This is coming to my 10th year in academics as I have gone into the PhD programme right from the undergraduate without full-time working experience. That in itself is a manifest of my dedication, motivation and organisation.
As a person, I am quite easy going and approachable. I enjoy travelling and I love good foods! Who doesn't anyway? As a laidback person, I value good time catching up with friends and have a decent conversation over coffee or a meal.
Last but certainly not the least, I have a big dream for a better Brunei through an improved health care standard in Brunei. Perhaps for now, I could start small by contributing something positive for the benefit of our fellow Bruneians in Southampton, and the society in general as a Post-graduate representative."
To vote for them, please go here:
p/s: The Female Religious Officer and the Winchester Representatives had been decide. As for the Male Religious Officer, the current committee members will discuss further on it. So we will announce after all votes are taken!