Some Brunei Love! :)

The crowd for the day :)

As per usual, inda sah nada gambar freestyle ;)
Yesterday, Alhamdulillah with the will of Allah we all gathered at Stoneham in Southampton and celebrated together the BruSton's Brunei 28th National Day Celebration 2012! It was an afternoon filled with fun and games including different stages of "permainan bahasa" games and crayon canvas competitions, patriotic happy faces, and not forgetting the reciting of the doa showing our deep appreciation to Allah (swt) for having such a lovely day to celebrate our national day of our beloved country! :) With a massive turnout this year from Bruneians and Non-Bruneians alike we managed to share not only our love to our country but also our cultural differences that shows how great and exceptional Brunei is all in its own way! Thank you all who came to the event yesterday and hope everyone received some new knowledge and had fun playing them! :)

Bendera Brunei on its way up the pole :D

Starting off the day :)

Finally, some food! :D

Traditional performance flavouring the day

Some Malaysians to join in the fun! :)

Soton boys and their swag

Some of the girls :)

Purple Team

Green Team

Blue Team

"Permainan bahasa" begins!

Pantun man of the day

Crayon canvassing begins! :)

Green team brainstorming

Blue team getting creative

Purple team with their drawing :)

Green Team and their drawing :)

Blue team with their drawing :)

Blue Team wins! :)

1st runner up : Purple Team

2nd Runner up : Green Team

Lucky draw winner number 1 :)

Lucky draw winner number 2 :)

Lucky draw winner number 3 :)

Lucky draw winner number 4 :)

Grand prize winner! Asda giftcard worth £20! :D

Doa Recital

Bruneians from 10mins train ride far away! Winch Love! ;)

Non-bruneians sharing the love for the flag! :D
Losta Love,
BruSton Committee 2011/2012