On Tuesday the 6th of March, BruSton held our Annual General Meeting to elect new members for the 2012-2013 committee. Nominees made their speeches, votes were cast and the results were given later that night. Congratulations to the new BruSton Committee 2012/13!
Atiqah Adinin
Vice President:
Chinnu Merin Abraham
Izzati Ahmad
Ainaa' Zolkiflee
Public Relations Officer:
Haziqah Marzuke
Social & Welfare Officer:
Alina Rosli
Sports Officer (Male):
Zulkhairi Zolkepli
Sports Officer (Female):
Zati Shahari
Religious Officer (Male):
Bazli Ghani
Religious Officer (Female):
Nur'Atiqah Abu Bakar
Winchester Representative:
Nurus Saifulbahri
Assistant Winchester Represenative:
Liyana Hanif
Postgraduate Representative:
Sani Kamis
Our new president giving her speech
BruSton members listening attentively