Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Hari Raya Aidil'adha video

Credits to:
Yaziidah Aziz
Hafiz Aini
Afiqah Burhanuddin

New Hijrah Year 1436

24th October 2014- Alhamdulillah Bruston has successfully held another religious event- Doa Akhir dan Awal Tahun Hijrah 1436H. 

The event which started at 5:30pm unfolded as follows:

-Recitation of surah al-Fatihah and Doa Akhir Tahun 1435H by Saidi Serail. 

-Azan Maghrib recited by Hakeem was then heard.

-Maghrib Prayer in congregation, followed by doa Awal Tahun 1436H led by Saidi Serail. 

-Tahlil dan Yaasin

-Makan Time! :)

-Azan Isya' by Bani Rosli

-Isya' prayer and Solat Hajat

-Tazkirah by Faizal Salleh.

"Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah nasib suatu kaum kecuali kaum itu sendiri yang mengubah apa-apa yang pada diri mereka" (Ar-Ra'd: 11)

More Pictures:

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Bruston bond over Bruquest

GUILDHALL, SOUTHAMPTON CITY - SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2014 - An ice-breaking activity kicked off for the members of Bruston hosted by the Bruston committees. The activity ran from 9am until 5pm with a break between 12 to 2pm.

The event commenced in the morning were held in Southampton University, conducted by Bibi Amadah, the Social Officer. It involved various enjoyable activities like "Belalang and Belatok" where participants are named as mentioned and each Belalang must pair up with one Belatok. A story was told by Bibi Amadah and whenever the she said Belalang, the belalangs must clap Belatoks' hands and vice versa.

They then were teamed into 4 and each team must come up with a name for their team based on Brunei's local fruits. Team must also present why they chose the fruit and came up with a short cheer.

The morning activities subsided with certificates of appreciation given to previous committees 2013/2014 and the announcement of 2 new committees Yaziidah Aziz as Public Relations Officer II and Diyana as Welfare officer.

Meanwhile, participants joining the race gathered at an open space in front of Guildhall at 2pm. The race which took part around Southampton City, had around more than 20 Brustoners joining it. 5 checkpoints were set up at different venues with 5 more enjoyable games. At ASDA, participants were given close up images such as rice, chicken, egg and more. They had to guess what the items were and look up for them at ASDA to take full pictures and guess what can be made from the stated ingredients. Another game set up at West Watts Park instructed the participants to act out and instavid 15 seconds of Titanic Scene and post with a hashtag BrustonOi.

All teams must gather at Guildhall after they have completed all the checkpoints. Prizes were presented to the teams and one lucky RSVP winner.

More pictures can be found on these links:

Hari Raya Aidil’adha and Annual General Meeting

HAMPSHIRE, SOUTHAMPTON – WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2014 – BRUNEI SOUTHAMPTON (BRUSTON) society held its very first event for the new academic year 2014/2015 at the University of Southampton, getting together Bruneians who are currently living in Southampton and Winchester to celebrate Hari Raya Aidil’adha event. Attendees consisted of students from University of Southampton, Warsash Maritime Academy of Solent University and Winchester School of Arts. 

According to the president of Bruston, Haji Mohamad Amir Rabbani Haji Rosli, a second year taking BEng Mechanical Engineering, the main objective was to bring Bruneians out from the busy lives of studies and celebrate a religious event held every 10th of Zulhijjah of Hijrah calendar year. The idea of hosting this event was also seen as a move towards fostering closer ties between themselves. 

The event commenced with an Asar prayer in congregation led by Bruston’s religious officer, Hafiz Aini, followed by Eid takbir led by the brothers, and recitation of Yaasin and Tahlil for a deceased brother of one of the students. 

“This event is a favor to me and every single one of Bruston members. Bruston’s aim is to make this place more like home.” Amir Rabbani added, “what more than the sound of takbir raya?’ 

Meanwhile, a representative of medical student said, “The event reminds me of home country Brunei Darussalam, how Brunei is so blessed with its own culture and good people and not to forget, and very delicious food as well!” She said that even though celebrating Aidil’adha here is not the same as back home, she was so happy to meet fellow Bruneians, being able to speak in Bruneian language and eat Malay delicacies. 

Annisa Idris from Winchester University said, "Ini adalah pengalaman kali pertama saya menyambut Hari Raya aidil'adha diperantauan. Alhamdulillah sambutan hari raya aidil adha di Southampton sungguh meriah. Terasa kehangatan dan jalinan silaturahim yang erat di antara pelajar pelajar Brunei. Laungan takbir dan solat berjemaah adalah acara yang paling saya sendiri nantikan. Ditambah lagi pelbagai juadah tradisi melayu yang dihidangkan menambah lagi kemeriahan. Sekurang-kurangnya terubatlah rasa rindu kami kepada keluarga dan ibu bapa kami. Alhamdulillah"

To conclude, Bruston’s aim is to host more events to strengthen the ties. Not only would it remove homesickness, Bruston hopes to create memorable moments between Bruneians in Southampton. 

The session was followed by an Annual General Meeting where the committees introduce themselves to the Bruston members. 

More pictures from the event can be found here:

Friday, 11 April 2014

Internal Security Department Talk

05-04-2014, The Internal Security Department of Prime Minister's Office hosted a special talk for students in United Kingdom, held at the University of Southampton. The talk highlights the department's mission and role in protecting Brunei from internal dangers, for example, espionage and religious extremists.

more pictures

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Doa selamat for tetamu-tetamu Allah

3th April 2014- Bruston held a Doa selamat event for Allah swt's special guests who will be leaving off to perform umrah in the Holy cities of Medinah al-Munawarah and Mekkah al-Mukarramah this 7th of April 2014. May these people be under His protection throughout their journey and may Allah swt accept all their ibadahs performed there. Amin.

Faizal Salleh and Saidi Serail (missing in the picture)

Hanee Majidah and Nabilah Jipli from bruston sisters

Sabda Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wassalam: "Mengerjakan umrah kepada satu umrah yang lain adalah menghapuskan dosa yang berlaku diantara tempoh keduanya dan Haji yang mabrur tidak ada balasannya melainkan syurga" (H.R Imam Bukhori & Muslim)

Friday, 28 March 2014

Kem Ibadah IV

28th March 2014 - 30th March 2014, 10 Bruston representatives participated in Kem Ibadah IV. The camp, themed "Belia Mukmin Idaman", was held at Cefn Lea Park, Newtown Powys.

One of the so many things learnt from the camp is, "Take advantage of five matters before five other matters: your youth, before you become old; your health, before you fall sick; your richness, before you become poor; and your life, before your death" May Allah swt guide us all.

Sabda Nabi Muhammad s.a.w:
“Barangsiapa yang menempuh suatu jalan untuk mencari ilmu pengetahuan, maka Allah akan mempermudahkan baginya jalan menuju ke syurga.”
(H.R. Muslim)

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Global Village

18-03-2014- Students Union Southampton University. Bruston took part in AIESEC Southampton Global Village. Global Village was the biggest celebration of cultures that ever happened in the university! People from around 30 countries gathered under one roof to showcase their nations through singing, dancing, food, customs, costumes, music and traditions. It revived the general concept of the world being a ‘global village’ and inspired people to understand and appreciate the uniqueness and difference of each other.

Setting up Brunei's booth.


People who came to Bruston's booth get to taste the nation's delicacies.

Cucur Udang

and Bingka susu

Some of Bruston members who came to make Bruston booth more happening.

Firman Allah swt: al-Imran 103
"Dan berpegang teguhlah kamu semuanya pada tali (agama) Allah dan janganlah kamu bercerai-berai, dan ingatlah nikmat Allah kepadamu ketika kamu dahulu bermusuhan, lalu Allah mempersatukan hatimu, sehingga dengan karuniaNya kamu menjadi bersaudara, sedangkan (ketika itu) kamu berada di tepi jurang neraka, lalu Allah menyelamatkan kamu dari sana. Demikianlah, Allah menerangkan ayat-ayatNya agar kamu mendapat petuntuk"

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Introducing the 2014/2015 committees

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

On Wednesday the 12th of March 2014, BruSton held an Annual General Meeting to elect new members for the 2014-2015 committee. Nominees made amazing speeches, presentation and one of them even rap! (hehe) votes were cast and the results were given later that afternoon. All praise is due to Allah the event went smooth, Congratulations to the newly-appointed BruSton Committee for 2014/15 session!

So the results:

President: Amir Rabbani Rosli

Vice President: Syazana Fauzi

Secretary: Nabilah Jipli

Treasurer: Muhammad Afiq Al-Hakeem


Social & Welfare Officer: Bibi Amadah Rusli

Public Relations officer: Nur Afiqah

Religious Officer (male): Hafiz Aini

Religious Officer (female): Izzah Ismail

Sports Officer (male): Shahassanal Izzat

Sports Officer (female): Azimatul Fadzlina Harun

Winchester Representative: Humaira Zakaria

Postgraduate Representative: Aaron DB Melayu

Thanks to the 2013/2014 Bruston committees for doing a great job and for inspiring us to be up and continue their legacy! InsyaaAllah.

Firman Allah: al-Baqarah 30
" Dan (ingatlah) ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada para malaikat, "Aku hendak menjadikan khalifah di bumi." Mereka berkata, "Apakah Engkau hendak menjadikan orang yang merusak dan menumpahkan darah di sana, sedangkan kami bertasbih memujiMu?" Dia berfirman, "Sungguh, Aku mengetahui apa yang tidak kamu ketahui"