Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
On Wednesday the 12th of March 2014, BruSton held an Annual General Meeting to elect new members for the 2014-2015 committee. Nominees made amazing speeches, presentation and one of them even rap! (hehe) votes were cast and the results were given later that afternoon. All praise is due to Allah the event went smooth, Congratulations to the newly-appointed BruSton Committee for 2014/15 session!
So the results:
President: Amir Rabbani Rosli
Vice President: Syazana Fauzi
Secretary: Nabilah Jipli
Treasurer: Muhammad Afiq Al-Hakeem
Social & Welfare Officer: Bibi Amadah Rusli
Public Relations officer: Nur Afiqah
Religious Officer (male): Hafiz Aini
Religious Officer (female): Izzah Ismail
Sports Officer (male): Shahassanal Izzat
Sports Officer (female): Azimatul Fadzlina Harun
Winchester Representative: Humaira Zakaria
Postgraduate Representative: Aaron DB Melayu
Thanks to the 2013/2014 Bruston committees for doing a great job and for inspiring us to be up and continue their legacy! InsyaaAllah.
Firman Allah: al-Baqarah 30
" Dan (ingatlah) ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada para malaikat, "Aku hendak menjadikan khalifah di bumi." Mereka berkata, "Apakah Engkau hendak menjadikan orang yang merusak dan menumpahkan darah di sana, sedangkan kami bertasbih memujiMu?" Dia berfirman, "Sungguh, Aku mengetahui apa yang tidak kamu ketahui"