Thursday, 24 November 2011

Doa Sempena Tahun Baru Hijrah

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,

Alhamdulillah, it's been a year and on Friday 25th November 2011 insyaAllah is the Tahun Baru Hijrah for the year 1433H. We would first of all wish everyone a Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru Hijrah and may all your doings be blessed by Allah S.W.T :)

We provide to you the Doa Akhir Tahun and Awal Tahun Hijrah (we've provided a long and short version for this) and their makna. Many courtesies to our Religious Officers :)

Doa Akhir Tahun - Baca sebelum Maghrib 3 kali
Doa Awal Tahun - Baca selepas Maghrib 3 kali



Together, let's berazam to change and "berhijrah" for the better dunia dan akhirat. Amin. :)

BruSton <3

BruSton represent! :D

At the Lost in London 2011 event organised by BrUCL, some BruStoners went to London to participate. Congratulations teams! ;)

The BruStoners! Minus one :P

Team Spectacular! Good job boys! :)

Friday, 11 November 2011

Friendly Sports Matches is up!

Hello to all! BruSton is glad to announce that insyaAllah, friendly matches will be held between BruSton and Cardiff (BDSSW) soon! Details are as follow:

Date : 26th November 2011
Venue : Cardiff, Wales, UK
Matches included : Futsal, Netball and Badminton

If you are interested please contact our Sports Officers Ba Phs and Zainah Azharan. A coach will be rented if there is a large turnout of interests and price will be informed once numbers are confirmed. So, please, do join! :)

More details and contact can be found on the BruSton facebook page here :

Hope to see a lot of you there! :)

Much Love,

BruSton :)

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Hari Raya Aidil Adha


Today Allah has bless us with another beautiful night "to celebrate the victory of so many pilgrims" said Wardah Ja'afar.

The celebration was held in a house at Mayfield Road commencing from 7:30pm onwards. Fireworks were showering all over the area in Southampton, and so another Bruston member Aqilah Ali also states "It really feels like raya."

Our takbir Hari Raya was recited after some of us had our sembahyang Fardhu Isya' together. Soon after, we continued our celebration with a feast made by everyone.

On behalf of Bruston, I would like to send the biggest thanks to those who have work so hard with love in preparing the food, the place and the company. Alhamdulillah, the night went well, the food was great and everyone was happy.

As a general knowledge that I would love to share:
  • We can't fast from the 10th of Zulhijjah till the 13th of Zulhijjah.
  • Sunat Hari Raya: Take a shower in the morning, cut of your nails, wear wonderful and appropriate clothes, use perfume or something that can make you smell nice and lastly go the mosque/surau.
May Allah bless all of you. <3

*photos credits to Wardah and Aqilah Ali

Saturday, 22 October 2011


Bruquest is BruSton's very own amazing race. Yes, the kind of race where you run around a city following a map, meeting people at certain checkpoints and doing reasonably difficult tasks to get points.

On the 22nd of October, fellow Brustoners and friends participated in this fun-filled activity. We had seven groups of four or three consisting of juniors, seniors and pilot trainees. Before the race, our President, Zainah Azharan gave a briefing at the university concourse outlining the rules of the game and how to win it.

The race started at the Southampton University interchange where all participants are given envelopes containing a map of checkpoints which are spread out all over the city. There are committee members waiting to give out the tasks at every checkpoint. Each task must be completed to receive a point marked by a star sticker on the corresponding location in their maps. The team with the most star stickers and the quickest to arrive at the last checkpoint wins the race.

It was exciting and fun. We hope to conduct this again in the future.

Saturday, 15 October 2011


At the beginning of the new academic term, Bruston decided to hold door to door open house visits (just like how we celebrate Raya in Brunei!) around the residential area near campus.

The first open house started in Harrison Road where everyone met up for breakfast and then moved on to the next house in Mayfield together. Everyone, all exuberant and dressed up in colourful Cara Melayu clothes, was ready to go on the series of open houses with large appetites.

From the houses in Mayfield to the one in Broadlands and then in Sirdar and finally Blenheim Gardens, we Brustoners enjoyed having guests, eating good home cooked food, meeting newcomers and chit-chatting with the old friends in lovely grassy back yards. The Bruston raya was all about building new relationships and maintaining existing ones. May we always stay together and remember each other for many years more.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

MS Brunei UK Societies Fair

Today BruSton 2011/12 committee had a booth in the Maktab Sains UK Societies Fair together with 22 other Bruneian Societies in the UK to promote their universities and societies to potential new students who might be applying higher education in the UK.

It was a great opportunity to recruit more members and we managed to grab a large crowd of students! All in all it was amazing despite the irony of having a lot of non-working fans on the floor at the forever hot canteen area! :P

Thanks to all who visited and came to support the event at the fair! And not forgetting the societies who took their time to come to MS and have their own booth! :)

The BruSton team! :)

President, Treasurer and the Assistant Treasurer! :)

The booth!

BruSea (University of East Anglia)

BruLeics (University of Leicester)

LufBru (Loughborough Universities and Colleges)

BruYork (University of York)

LSE (London School of Economics and Political Science)

BruSheff (Sheffield Universities)

BruBrad (University of Bradford)

BruWick (University of Warwick)

The crowd! :D

Much Love,

BruSton :)

Friday, 26 August 2011

BruSton Sungkai Gathering at Coffee Zone 2011

Today BruSton held a sungkai gathering at Coffee Zone Kiulap, Brunei. And, it was a great turnout! :D

Approximately 40 new and current students came to the Sungkai gathering to catch up and had a pre-icebreaking session whilst breaking our fast during the blessed month of Ramadhan.

It was great to see a lot of familiar and new faces and thanks to those who came and meet us! :)

Hungry yet happy faces! :)

Part of the BruSton crowd + a Leicesterian :P

The other part of the BruSton crowd :)

Ex-18 Sirdars :)

Some of the newbies! :D

The President Zainah with two newbies ;)

VP with the Sec :)

New and old faces :P

The crowd of the night! :D

Again, thanks to all who came! Till we meet again! ;)

Much Love,

BruSton :)

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

HRD Briefing at Empire Hotel and Country Club

Today there was a briefing organised by the HRD Services at the Empire Hotel and Country Club, Brunei. Several UK universities International Office representatives came to give their respective briefings to the new students, one of which was the University of Southampton. The current and former committee members of BruSton also came to give some support and show some familiar faces to the new students.

Karen Arnold, the International Officer for University of Southampton gave a talk about the general life as a student at the University. One of the BruSton committee members also gave a small talk about BruSton and Southampton in general.

Many thanks to Karen for the handing out of certificates to the former members of the BruSton committee! And many thanks to those who came to the briefing! May your year in Southampton be an amazing one! :)

Karen Arnold from University of Southampton

The ex-committee and Amber :)

The audience

Talk from BruSton

Ex-President Lina Alli receiving her ceritficate :)

Ex-Vice President Syafiq Metassan :)

Ex-Secretary Sofiah Shazali :)

Ex-Assistant Treasurer and current Vice President
Nurul Hazwani Saifulbahri :)

Much Love,

BruSton :)