At the beginning of the new academic term, Bruston decided to hold door to door open house visits (just like how we celebrate Raya in Brunei!) around the residential area near campus.
The first open house started in Harrison Road where everyone met up for breakfast and then moved on to the next house in Mayfield together. Everyone, all exuberant and dressed up in colourful Cara Melayu clothes, was ready to go on the series of open houses with large appetites.
From the houses in Mayfield to the one in Broadlands and then in Sirdar and finally Blenheim Gardens, we Brustoners enjoyed having guests, eating good home cooked food, meeting newcomers and chit-chatting with the old friends in lovely grassy back yards. The Bruston raya was all about building new relationships and maintaining existing ones. May we always stay together and remember each other for many years more.

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